Mon. 17/5.
no class! :D
supposed to have what interclass games mah.
but then dont know why cancelled.
so had like 1 and a half hr free :D
then whole day slack slack,
dont know whose idea.
we drew on cavan's book :D
on toppp.
tads actually the 2nd piece.
1st piece not nice so tore it away. haha.
tuesss. 18/5.
god monday no get any paper, tues all come.
didnt do very well. x.x
aft schul went with ting to bpp.
wanted to buy cip stuffs to bake muffins.
but in the end. like too less stocks -_-
so waaaalked up to greenridge.
spent like 1& a half hr at s&s?
-_- cuz theey idiots lor nvr pick up phone.
then dont know what they want.
need halal, what flavour blaaaahs.
idiot. dont have choco chip as flavour la!
choco chip is one of the ingredients!
andand no original flavour! is vanilla! D:
vomit blood.
total sum is 39.15$ :D
tooodaaay. 19/5.all the papers got back le,
3 papers failed ):
science, hist and hmt.
z maths, like give marks away lor, machiam free one.
9 + 2 i can write 9 - 2.
pro right.
okaaaay whatever.
then aft schul go greenridge bought instant noodles with girls :D
got the guys to go ting's hse for cme stuff, cip.
then we took lift first,
pressed alot of floors hahahaha.
then the guy dont know is which floor :D
orhbi. they last time also liddat treat joce.
then we eat or noodles while they come,
i finished bfor they came lors.
jinwei threw it away :/ cuz she couldnt finish.
then start work lor!
i slacked pretty much actually,
just tad most of the washing is i do one.
fingers all wrinkle le ):
legs also aching D:
but ting worse lor.
sit in front of the oven to see if got chao da,
darn hot.
above pics are the muffins we made.
eh but tad only 1 flavour k.
banana. :D
oh and i actually forgot how to spell bananna. :D
last batch of muffins were verrrrry orh,
cuz someone watch teebee until the choco chips melt liao he still mixing -_-
they left at ard 6+,
i stayed to clean up with ting.
damm. they like party liddat,
everything all so messy -_-
then they nvr clean up.
zz. also kip watch teebee. -_-
cleaned up, help ting with the unbaked muffins, put them into containers, find bags to put them inside, then went home at 7.30+.
rch home at 8 lors.
tiredtired. D:
wellll at least got sense of achievement :D
hope tmr got pple buy.
3 for 1$ i think?
got vanilla, banana & pandan flavour.
woot tmr can skip class ;D