^ Was taken on your birthday last year remember remember?
k abit unglam but 1 time nia la, only your birthday got :D
I hope you'll wont ever grow any taller, and never get any ear-holes or whatever you call that so I can pull your ear and look down on you heeeeee k kidding.
One year older liao uh, dont so lame le!
And and you can be a nun very soon :D:D:D:D rofl
well actually we celebrated on last Friday cuzcuz this whole week she go camp.
= I alone arg, I'll let the pictures adjust them themselves.

Joce looks like she wants to swallow the candle aw poor candle.

Have no idea why we ask her do this LOL
Also dont know why we made the pics for her, just thought of it then orh k ba.
then Joce told us later on she wants a picture of us. so ok lor. But what she wanted was a normal sized photo actually ._.

^ the above was supposed to be posted yesterday midnight or rather, today after midnight.
meaning on 10.01.20 00:00.
Yeah but I was feeling horrible yesterday so I went to sleep, also setting the alarm so that I can post these on time. But guess what, I didnt wake up -__-
I only woke up to send Joce her sms then I went back to sleep. hw all never do z.
and also today just sucks.
I mentioned that Joce is away for camp. So today we have PE and Im like all alone. actually i've been alone for like 2 days. Oh then I found this leaf which looks like a banana rightright. maybe photo dont look like but rl look like leh. I brought it home LOL

Maths class. 4 periods of maths ended pretty quickly, probably cuz im stucked on a question for like 45mins. Everytime careless and stuff.
Then F&N practical. Ting never tell me she ask Cavan help me bring down to kitchen liao, so I crawled back to my class only to find out my things are gone then i thought who steal again. My chem book kanna stolen ):
then I crawl down, then orh heng not stolen.
managed to partner up with someone :/
then I was cutting or chopping whatever the what garlic or small onions I forgot whats that call, butbut weird weird one cannot chop of the head. so I press my finger on top of the knife trying to chop it. but still cannot. I picked up the knife then realised I used it upside down -_- Heng is small knife.
Then cook nasi lemak yea. Im eating it now actually. So got this hard-boilled egg or whatever. I dont like to eat it raw-ly like that so should put some soya sauce ma. k then I dont know should put light or dark soya sauce ._. I asked Ting then she was like THIS KIND OF STUFF ALSO NEED ASK. but I thought only one of them always put on egg one what. heck.
Also Im like getting lots of cuts and brusies everytime I go duty. I just had duty yesterday :/
o_o quite a long post. If I cut it into parts it can be posted like for a week according to how I used to posted post. I cant believe I typed that. So I shouldnt post until next week. I'll post pics up then.
Teacher told us not to forget to press the thing down to cook the rice.
&It's all conspiracy man.
why TOW?