Kinda late, but better late than never!
Anyway, self explanatory. Maybe I should stick to last year's simple design.

Yeap people, Take a deeper look. Stop looking at things just from the surface.
In terms of album, yes the album cover is simple, and anybody can probably do a better job. but what matters is the contents of the album. Take a deeper look into the album.
In terms of the man himself, dont like him just because of his looks, attire, or abs. dont dislike him just because of his looks(yes his looks), his tattoos or his way of talking etc. Take a deeper look into him, and you may find out he actually is someone way different than who you thought he was. This goes out to people who are not really aware of him and also haters. I never really got the reason why people hates him anyway. Probably cuz I like him.
& if you still dont get who the man is after one whole round, his big name is Jay Park. :)
get the physical copy if you can. :D
/ends promoting
Tired, but happy.