this week ended veryyyy fast!
its friday alr.
tday we four supposed to go outtttt,
tday we four supposed to go outtttt,
but some spoiler spoilt our plan )))))):
in the end went ting hse,
and duh i used the comp.
was damm hungry then,
cuz for the whole day i only :
drank 2 greenntea, for like 2sips.
drank 2 greenntea, for like 2sips.
1 yakult.
1 vitagen.
oh i think plain water too.
until 7 then had dinner ._.
met xiaohan for the weird talk,
yeah its weird cuz its being put at such a late time? -_-
then at traf light waited for ting, her mum, lili, her mum, and my coke. :3
cuz lili bought for me. :x
were like ushered to sit, tsk. the first row.
felt very unglam to errrr put-my-leg-over-the-other,
but eventually i did ._.
couldnt stand it -_-
ohoh and i cut my hair o:
wasnt very see.able cuz idk why i comb then like still very long -_-
anyway. was a longggggg talk :/
delay my time to watch my ping pong. >:(
lrt.ed with jocee,
hmm. for this 2 weeeks im gonna be very hardworking :)
(dont doubt me even though im doubting myself)
kkkkk, im off to do my maths.
tuition homework.