LOL. k this later. :D
so z tday start school againxzxzx.
PE first. god darn hot la. but right whole 2 periods feels like 5min nia ._.
then hmt. tad guy never come, tsk. (cannot trust guys also.)
science, recess, hist, maths, eng.
hist tcher never come o:
maths 1 period, and tons of work to do. but nevermind. Pythagoras' theorem is fun :D
z eng.
ms lee also didnt come.
k not didnt come is at o'lvl orals.
was told to do some ws, (so tough)
after the ws had to do hw.
wait uh.
hw = homework right.
thought should at home do?
k la maybe now got time can do.
eh but last time some teacher dont want us to do our home in school the next morning cuz its supposed to be homework. o.o?
whats this. ._.
so we cant do homework in the next morning in school but can do it before we get home.
okay understand.
so its tues and have hmt.
finished up our compo ad craps alot as usual,
then went fajar mac.
nothing happened. really. :D
oh the above pic was taken by me la duh.
lili so cute right. LOL.
and im so dead.
then went home.
i want fb. :D
tsk the songs im listening to are getting weirder. :/