1e3'08, 2e3'09.
Pretty much changes during each year.
Im terms of appearance, attitude, behaviour, work, teachers, classrooms, probably many more which I cant recall.
I wouldnt say that we're very united compared to other classes, but in some ways we are.
We often get teachers angry, cuz we're like very disorganised, too-slack, and our mouths just cant stop moving. Yet, a chaotic class can be all back to their seats in 5seconds, get out of the clc room in 10s.Oh, &get into trouble within seconds too. We usually hate & like as a class. :x
Many inside jokes, some can be hurting. (But we still laugh all the same.)
PE we were supposed to split to 8 groups if I remember correctly and Ms Pek wanted to give the winning team a prize. Surprisingly many students spoke up and say why not we share the prizes among the whole class instead of just the winning team? Quite a few agreed to the idea but Ms Pek dont want and said she'll give other classes' 1st or 2nd runner ups if we're not giving to the winning team. I dont know about you but I found this pretty special, other classes were okay with that arrangement but they're not, they wanted to share to the whole class. Maybe this happened to other classes too, I dont know but yeah I was pretty surprised.
To me, we didnt get into this class because we had a similar range of PSLE T.score, its the work of fate.
Pretty much changes during each year.
Im terms of appearance, attitude, behaviour, work, teachers, classrooms, probably many more which I cant recall.
I wouldnt say that we're very united compared to other classes, but in some ways we are.
We often get teachers angry, cuz we're like very disorganised, too-slack, and our mouths just cant stop moving. Yet, a chaotic class can be all back to their seats in 5seconds, get out of the clc room in 10s.Oh, &get into trouble within seconds too. We usually hate & like as a class. :x
Many inside jokes, some can be hurting. (But we still laugh all the same.)
PE we were supposed to split to 8 groups if I remember correctly and Ms Pek wanted to give the winning team a prize. Surprisingly many students spoke up and say why not we share the prizes among the whole class instead of just the winning team? Quite a few agreed to the idea but Ms Pek dont want and said she'll give other classes' 1st or 2nd runner ups if we're not giving to the winning team. I dont know about you but I found this pretty special, other classes were okay with that arrangement but they're not, they wanted to share to the whole class. Maybe this happened to other classes too, I dont know but yeah I was pretty surprised.
To me, we didnt get into this class because we had a similar range of PSLE T.score, its the work of fate.